WTF are Bear Boxes?

An educational post. Since it has recently come to my attention (via catching a British tourist going through my belongings) that not everyone knows what a bear box is, I decided to write a post about them. With photos, of course. So, what is a bear box? A bear box is usually a large wooden…


I saw a bobcat catch a squirrel today! It was wild (literally). This bobcat just popped out on the trail in front of me like, out of nowhere. Casually. I’ve seen bobcats before, but they usually run, or at least walk away, by the time I can get my camera out. This bobcat strolled a…

A few pics from Yosemite

I believe this is called a dogwood tree (it’s not; comment if you know what it is). The waterfall in the background is Upper Yosemite Fall. I think this might be called a gray hairstreak butterfly. I found it muddling near Mirror Lake. An unedited picture of Vernal Fall, but you can still see at…

Hurt Others

“Are you actively planning to hurt yourself or others?” She asks. The question itself has become a trigger, and I tell her so. As soon as I hear that question (being asked sincerely), I can’t breathe. My stomach just….stops, and starts to reverse. The muscles in my middle abdomen tighten. I feel pressure in my…


If you don’t know how strong the human Instinct to congregate is before you get PTSD then you will surely learn once The disease hits and you need to be Alone Suddenly it seems like everyone in the World is constantly attacking me just by Not understanding how badly I need Space The waterfall is…

Culture, Displaced

At home I would heat up almond milk In my new red sauce pan (Made by the same company as The cookware we use in fine dining) Whisk in boiling water, honey, Cardamom, cinnamon, sometimes chili Pour it all over Chai in the morning Or whisk ground and melted chocolate In at night, sometimes it…

Walkways (photography)

My photographic contributions for Cee’s photo challenge: Walkways I took all of these photos last weekend during my trip to Mount Tamalpais. Looking down the trail leading to the Pacific Ocean from the Stinson Beach parking lot. Looking down one of the paths/seating levels in Mountain Theater, Mount Tamalpais. Looking down the trail leading towards…


My first night backpacking alone, I felt safe. There was no rhyme or reason to it– I have PTSD– I never feel safe. But this night I just knew I’d be okay. Worrisome thoughts came along but I shooed them away. Even though I’d never set up a tent Hadn’t even opened my new tent…

Joshua Steven

Kelly said I wouldn’t even know How badly the environment was Hurting me till I left And she was so right. Standing in the middle of Bootjack Campground, alone I offered a snack to a crow And when he didn’t immediately take it I burst into tears, thinking, I’m so awful, I’m such a terrible…