Fat girl in a crop top

This is the kind of thing where the men reading it won’t even believe it’s real, while the women know exactly what I’m talking about.

So this very, kind of freakishly skinny woman was walking by me.

I’m wearing red bike shorts and a black crop top. She was covered in several layers of loose clothing.

Her bones protruded from her face in a particularly anorexic way.

And her eyes were full of so much hatred and anxiety, it was kind of disturbing.

She looked at my belly, then looked at my face. She looked like she was so physically nauseated by my appearance that she might pass out.

Obviously, okay, I can see that this girl is anorexic. I know enough about psychology to know that it’s very common for anorexics to hate and be disgusted by body fat, even if it doesn’t belong to them.

I know that, scientifically speaking, the more someone cares about what other people look like, the less intelligent they are. The more time someone spends thinking and worrying about what other people do, the less intelligent they are.

I have all this knowledge. I know that I’m healthy. I know that she’s not. But it doesn’t matter.

I can feel her hatred from a mile away. I can hear the hundreds of thousands of rude comments I’ve heard about fat people throughout my life.

I feel like she’s thinking, don’t you know you’re fat? Don’t you know that fat people aren’t supposed to dress like that? Even I wouldn’t dress like that. How dare you? I can literally see the fat on your stomach. I’m gonna throw up. I’m gonna pass out.

Her low self esteem has managed to trigger mine.

My PTSD over the last two years of April Blair harassing me and calling me mean names (because she rightfully hates herself so much, and honestly who can blame her, she fucking sucks) fills my body with rage.

All this girl did was give me a dirty look, and I feel ready to kick her ass if I need to.

Some females are just so hateful towards each other.

Women are so fucking mean sometimes.

It’s a million degrees outside. If my fat stomach makes you nauseous, try being a real human being with substance for a minute instead of an empty vapid idiot.

I’m just saying.

And I can’t even talk to my bigger friends about this shit because they’ll be like but you’re not even fat.

Technically, medically speaking, I’m a healthy weight.

I’m fat enough to get bullied by anorexic bitches, though.


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Matt says:

    Well, as a fat guy🤔, I can definitely believe its real

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Must be hard to be her


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