
I think I’m camping across from

A single dad with two young girls

About six and seven which would

Make this man older than me because

I was so young when I had my daughter

And in another lifetime

I might have wanted to talk to him

Or thought about dating him after

Seeing him take his girls on a hike

One of their hands in each of his

But now I just feel so defeated and over

And instead of thinking maybe

I think of all the reasons no one

Should want to date me and then

I don’t know if it’s related but holy shit

This wave of depression washed

Over me today like

Crying in the grocery store like

I can’t do this anymore

Trying to tell myself it’s temporary but

Everything feels upside down and

Unreal like my life feels like

A literal nightmare and I just

Want to wake up I just

Want it to be over.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Carol anne says:

    sweetie, I’m so sorry, I’ve been where you are, I know that feeling of, I can’t do this any more. Sending love and a massive hug! x


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