
Now that I know my start date and move in date, I think it’s helping my brain come back to life.

I’ve worked through so many horrible things. It’s been so awful and weird to not be able to work for so long.

I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to bring all of my stuff plus two bikes. I don’t want to invest in putting a real bike rack on this car (it’s like a thousand dollars to have it done right).

I’m thinking about just moving all of my storage to Yosemite. But the thing is that I don’t really know how long I’m going to stay there. And the storage would still be far from where I’m staying.

I got another offer in another one of my favorite national parks for fall, and it comes with its own apartment. It could take me months to years to get my own apartment in Yosemite.

I want to look forward to moving and starting so many new things, I’m trying but I still have this thick depression choking me and weighing me down.

I hiked twelve miles yesterday and it just felt like torture. Talk about not enjoying the things you love.

I’m about to go back and do it again, though 🤣

6 Comments Add yours

  1. I hiked twelve miles yesterday and it just felt like torture. Talk about not enjoying the things you love.


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  2. I always read your posts and get emotional. It’s hard to see someone suffering. I can only imagine how difficult your circumstances but I can empathise with the depression part. Depression especially when it’s deep and stems from myriad traumas can sometimes kill off the soul imo. Not make you heartless, but make you wonder what the point of all this is. But you still find a way to push through and you’re an inspiration. Keep writing. Things might be dark now, but moving to Yosemite might change everything. You never know where life takes you. Keep fighting my dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. M. says:

    What made that hike a torture ?


    1. Depression. I get really irritated when people think it’s not catatonic depression unless you freeze and can’t move for a month… I get that too, but this hurts just as much 😫 my mental functioning is still impacted just as much as the times when I’ve been unable to get out of bed. The only difference is that I’m hiking. And people also assume that if you hike it means you have good mental health 🤣

      Liked by 1 person

      1. M. says:

        Gotcha as a fellow sufferer no one really knows..think I mastered the poker face to get through some days

        Liked by 1 person

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