Backwards night dreams

I’m so high I daydreamed

So intensely, I thought I was somewhere else

Not here, in my pillow top bed

With the stain glass art that I spent so long

Applying to my windows

Glowing under the blue

Curtain LED lights I bought

After I won my disability lawsuit

I wanted string LED lights for years,

And now I have them

And the blue stained glass looks

So cool I can’t wait for my daughter

To see how I did her room but

Fuck I’m so high I daydreamed

I got evicted and she never saw it

I was laying in the wilderness, alone,

In the heat, listening to some crickets

Chirp while others scurried up

The sides of my tent I thought

I was sleeping in a field, alone,

Like my brother used to do

When he was homeless and

My daughter didn’t know where I was

Or want to know, or care,

I’d been illegally evicted

I’d lost all my friends

My rocks, my garden, and

Even my kitten, taken to such

A new level of depression I

Went straight back into survival mode

Oh how funny when you get high

And think you’re somewhere else I’m

So high for a second

I thought I was laying in my bed

In my room

In my apartment

With my things

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Carol anne says:

    Hugs sweetie ❤ ❤ so confusing I bet!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think my brain is just trained to think that when it’s relaxed as it can be, it’s in that spot. I lived there for 15 years so it’s weird how often I find myself thinking I’m still there in little moments like that


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